
BSAVA Manual of Canine Practice: A Foundation Manual

BSAVA Manual of Canine Practice: A Foundation Manual

(Code: WB245)
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Tim Hutchinson, Kenneth R. Robinson
Août 2015, Wiley-Blackwell
320 pages
20,83 x 29,72 cm
89,00 €
Authored by veterinarians with many years' experience in general practice, the BSAVA Manual of Canine Practice provides the first port of call for the busy small animal practitioner faced with uncertainty over a new case.

The development over the last 20 years of a range of formal specialist veterinary qualifications has produced a significant surge in the range and depth of knowledge in canine practice. Concise answers to common questions that occur in consulting rooms are becoming harder to find; this book swings the balance back to the practitioner. As well as traditional systems-based medicine, this Manual also provides information on the arts of practice such as consultation technique and dealing with common but testing situations. In the clinical presentations section of the book, first line approaches are given in a problem-oriented setting with a significant focus on the nose-to-tail physical examination, a detailed clinical history and common, readily available, diagnostic tests.