
Current Therapy in Equine Reproduction

Current Therapy in Equine Reproduction

Elsevier Saunders
(Code: SAUN61)
Sur commande
Disponible sous 2 jours
Samper, Pycock, McKinnon
Nov. 2006, Elsevier Saunders
512 pages
21,6 x 27,6 cm
106,00 €
Current Therapy in Equine Reproduction provides practicing veterinarians with a concise and up-to-date source of information regarding the equine reproductive process. Coverage of the mare includes the reproductive system, normal and abnormal physiology, and reproductive problems. It also discusses advanced reproductive techniques in the mare such as assisted fertilization techniques and embryo transfer. Coverage of the stallion includes reproductive problems and advanced reproductive techniques.

Author info:
By Juan C. Samper, DVM, MSc, PhD, DiplACT, Diplomate ACT, American College of Theriogenologists, Abbotsford, BC, Canada; Jonathan Pycock, BVetMed, PhD, Equine Reproductive Services, N. Yorkshire, UK; and Angus O. McKinnon, BVSc, MSc, Goulburn Valley Equine Hospital, Victoria, Australia